During the long – quite tense – wait for the outcome of our awareness raising efforts in the name of the voices of those remaining, we began to investigate in more detail who will ultimately determine the outcome of our story and what kind of expert knowledge will be required. Antje and I, we were foretold by our so-called practitioners in these infamous and famously disreputable institutions, that we only had very modest career prospects because of our supposedly poor and limited mental capacities.
Where Antje’s life path tragically ended is well known.
In view of this context, perhaps some of you can understand that we have been engaged in investigating the question of what intellectual skills and competence someone must have demonstrated to be able to take a qualified position on various issues and hold positions, such as chief physician, or in political office, acting as a public mouthpiece on behalf of all of us.
As a result of the proceedings pending before the Social Court for compensation of victims of child sexual abuse, which Antje has been alleging for years, we now have the statements of the doctors, other witnesses, the authorities involved and the credibility report of a respected legal expert from a renowned institute in Germany, in addition to the previous files and our own background research.
However, what our investigation has brought to light as a whole has exceeded even our wildest expectations.