Today psychiatrists in Neustrelitz could finally remember the victims

At least we remember those who have fallen victim to or have died in the hands of the psychiatric system.

According to an anonymous supporter, the medical staff closely connected to the story told in “The Voices of Those Remaining” seemed to be most concerned when the flyers were circulated. The distribution of the flyer “Psychiatry’s Destructive Force: Survivors and Victims of Forced Treatment and Torture” in rural areas in the state of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania is essential for raising awareness and is therefore being strongly promoted and pushed forward. Today several flyers were placed in the mailboxes of psychosocial facilities in Neustrelitz. Among others, these include Caritas and Diakonie (assisted living and a multi-generational meeting place). Last but not least, the local psychiatrist, who already worked as a resident physician at the psychiatric clinic Wilhelm-Kürz-Straße in Neubrandenburg more than 12 years ago, was also informed of our concerns.

Dr. Christian Discher

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