German politicians block investigating and explaining the Hell in Ueckermünde


Discher, Christian (2017): Cause of Death, Psychiatry – Is Melissa Beck’s Death a Crime?

Discher, Christian (2017): Harry Glawe and his nearly twenty-year profession as a nurse in the GDR

Discher, Christian (2017): Minister Harry Glawe, why should the human rights violations remain unexplained?

Discher, Christian (2017): Death in the psychiatric hospital—Minister Sabine Bätzing-Lichtenthäler, what will become of Michael Perez?

Discher, Christian (2017): Cheap labor, administrative object or person?

Discher, Christian (2017): Gifted and imprisoned: a disabled life in the age of inclusion

Discher, Christian (2017):A tribute to Nazi ideology?

Discher, Christian (2017):  Details on Massive Human Rights Violations and Crimes in Germany



Discher, Christian (2016): The Voices of Those Remaining. Hamburg: underDog Verlag.

Discher, Christian (2016): Failed Inclusion as an Example of the Stigmatized: Why theory doesn’t have all the answers, in: Discher, Christian (2016): The Voices of Those Remaining. Hamburg: underDog Verlag.

Discher, Christian (2016): About

Discher, Christian (2016): The task of exposing human rights violations

Discher, Christian (2016): Disabled early retiree threatened in Ueckermünde

Discher, Christian (2016): We are spreading the news and raising awareness

Discher, Christian (2016): Awareness building in Neubrandenburg

Discher, Christian (2016): Today psychiatrists in Neustrelitz could finally remember the victims

Discher, Christian (2016): Banning languages in forensic psychiatric facilities: “In German clinics only German is spoken!”

Discher, Christian (2016):  Genital mutilation in hospital order treatment: Autism, hopelessness and suicide in German forensic psychiatric facilities

Discher, Christian (2016): How German psychiatrists are still systematically destroying people’s lives

Discher, Christian (2016): Psychiatry’s Destructive Force

Discher, Christian (2016):  Judi Klein: Victim of Forced Psychiatry and Torture

Discher, Christian (2016): Michael Perez: Victim of Forced Psychiatry and Torture

Discher, Christian (2016): Ernest: Victim of Forced Psychiatry and Torture

Discher, Christian (2016): Stephan Dalitz: Victim of Forced Treatment and Torture

Discher, Christian (2016): Elisa: Victim of Forced Treatment and Torture

Discher, Christian (2016):  The Voices of Those Remaining Will Not Be Silenced

Discher, Christian (2016): The forgotten and the “Hell in Ueckermünde”

Discher, Christian (2016): Comment, aujourd´hui encore, des psychiatres allemands détruisent les vies de leurs patients.



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