Minister Harry Glawe, why should the human rights violations remain unexplained?

“A story as unbelievable as it is moving,” is what was said of the coverage over the fate of those remaining, the numerous victims of a “horrible and arbitrary system of rule.” I wrote the following letter to the petitions committee of the regional parliament of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in response to the recommendation made by […]
Letter of rejection, Chairman of the Committee on Petitions, Manfred Dachner, June, 2018

Dear Mr. Discher, Your petition from 03/22/2017 has now finally been addressed. With your petition, you alleged human rights violations in specified psychiatric institutions as well as in the forensic psychiatric hospitals. In this matter, you made several demands which were to lead to clarifying and improving the current situation. After receiving a recommended resolution […]
Harry Glawe and his nearly twenty-year profession as a nurse in the GDR

Today’s Minister of Economics, Labor and Health, Harry Glawe, rejects parliamentary work with human rights violations in Neubrandenburg psychiatric hospital and “The Hell of Ueckermünde.” In the former GDR, Glawe worked for many years as a ward nurse at the Ernst Moritz Arndt University Greifswald Clinic for Neurology and Psychiatry, which is not far from […]
Acknowledgment as a victim of sexual violence after decades of fighting psychiatrists and authorities

After her exhausting efforts to educate the public, the now seriously ill protagonist Renate alias Antje Wienberg, née Dreist, from The Voices of those Remaining, received a letter dated September 16, 2019 from the Sexual Abuse Fund office of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, in which she was informed […]
How German psychiatrists are still systematically destroying people’s lives
Today, the psychiatric hospital in Ueckermünde, a town in northeastern Germany, is clearly proud of its 140-year tradition. However, during the Nazi era, disabled children at the hospital were targeted for systematic killing under the banner of the T4 action. The place remained in operation after the Wall fell. In 1993, Ernst Klee’s documentary “Die […]
Abuse victim sues due to total failure of the rule of law

We were pleased to receive the information in a letter dated September 23, 2019 that the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth have acknowledged Antje Wienberg, née Dreist, as a victim of familial sexual abuse and that, contrary to our expectations and after years of tenacious resistance, the Health Authority/Medical Administration […]
The doctoral theses of the doctors and politicians connected to our stories

These excerpts are provided with comments on the doctoral theses of the doctors and politicians connected to our stories. The excerpts presented here confirm that the psychiatrist couples wrote their doctoral theses together. Soon you will learn more about the dark side of the other psychiatrists, whom I refer to in my book and other […]
Insulting e-mails from the Ministry of the Interior

Recently, an employee of the Ministry of the Interior of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania made headlines by commenting in a pejorative manner on a citizen’s inquiry. The article “The Sick Guy.” Messages of Hate from Caffier’s Interior Ministry”published in the Nordkurier newspaper on February 11, 2017 tells of Jens-Uwe Kasowski, who heads a self-help group for depression patients […]
Elisa: Victim of Forced Treatment and Torture

Elisa (04.05.1966-25.04.2002) In 1982, shortly before her Abitur secondary school exams when she was just 16, Elisa tried to officially start a political party. To achieve this, she regularly met with three of her followers in Gaststätte Kranich. Located in Neubrandenburg in the former GDR, this pub was known to be a seedy, disreputable location; […]
Inhumane medicine in Germany: Truly a thing of the past?

On January 27, 2017, the Bundestag commemorated euthanasia victims in its annual commemoration of those who suffered and died under the Nazi dictatorship. The commemoration was dedicated to the sick and those in need of protection – according to the Nazi regime, such people were unworthy of life. They were the useless who ate food […]
Vorankündigung: Leipziger Buchmesse 2020

Voraussichtlich werde ich auf der Leipziger Buchmesse 2020 einen Bericht über das Wirken des an der Geschichte “Die Stimmen der Übriggebliebenen” beteiligten medizinischen Personals unter Berücksichtigung der durch die Auswertung aktueller Quellen und wissenschaftlicher Studien gewonnenen Erkenntnisse vorlegen. Im Mittelpunkt der Betrachtung steht Psychiater Dr. Rainer Gold, über dessen Wirken als Medikamententester der Spiegel 1991 […]
Advance notice: Leipzig Book Fair 2020

At the Leipzig Book Fair 2020, I will probably present a report on the activities of the medical staff involved in the book “The Voices of Those Remaining” taking into account the knowledge gained from analyzing current sources and scholarly studies. The focus of the presentation will be on the psychiatrist Dr. Rainer Gold, whose work as […]
Victim of sexual abuse
We were pleased to receive the information in a letter dated September 23, 2019 that the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth have acknowledged Antje Wienberg, née Dreist, as a victim of familial sexual abuse and that, contrary to our expectations and after years of tenacious resistance, the Health Authority/Medical Administration was able to convince […]
The Voices of Those Remaining

Dear readers, In context of the many requests for assistance that I receive from people who are also victims of medical violence, I would like to inform you that I am conducting the awareness campaign led by the publication of these contributions as an private individual and therefore have at my disposal only the resources […]
When people are treated like beasts – appalling conditions in a psychiatric hospital in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

Until recently, Christian Discher, PhD, taught at the Institute of Romance Studies at the University of Potsdam. It is remarkable how the author of this book literally survived the hell of Ueckermünde documented by the filmmaker Ernst Klee (1942 – 2013) in his ARD documentary from 1993. In 1997, the young Christian Discher, a skilled […]