Elisa – Simone Stark- (1966-2002 +)

1. Ueckermünde and its dark past In Ueckermünde I meet a former employee, who was employed in the institution from 1939 and now looks after the graves in the cemetery. I would like to know where the children were murdered. She looks at me in astonishment: “No children were murdered here,” she says. “The deportations […]

How many deaths have occurred under psychiatric treatment in the psychiatric hospitals of Neubrandenburg and Ueckermünde since 1990?

Dorothea Buck Thanks to the support of the 102-year-old Dorothea Buck[1], who was awarded the Großes Verdienstkreuz des Verdienstordens der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (the Grand Cross of Merit of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany) in 2008, is the Honorary Chairwoman of the Bundesverband Psychiatrie-Erfahrener e.V. (Federal Association of People Experienced with Psychiatric […]

We are spreading the news

During the long – quite tense – wait for the outcome of our awareness raising efforts in the name of the voices of those remaining, we began to investigate in more detail who will ultimately determine the outcome of our story and what kind of expert knowledge will be required. Antje and I, we were […]

It was also in the summer of 1997

Hello, Thank you very much for your review. I was also very impressed by the book. It stirred me up, made me angry, and at times left me speechless. But in the late 1990s there was such optimism in the air. During my volunteer year in Mecklenburg I got to know people who were (actually) […]

The Voices of Those Remaining

The memoir “The Voices of Those Remaining” is a devastating and moving testimony to Christian Discher’s crisis in 1997. At 17, when he was seeking out help and support, he was subjected to the brutal, degrading and traumatizing treatment in a notorious psychiatric ward, the so-called “Hell of Ueckermünde”. The consequences of the brutal mistreatment […]

A witness speaks up

In the spirit of my deceased companions, a condensed testimony of a witness who has not yet been mentioned will be disclosed before my forthcoming and aforementioned article on the steep career paths of the psychiatrists involved in our story “The Voices of Those Remaining” is published. Christian Discher, PhD About two weeks after his […]

Statement by the Mecklenburg-Pomerania State parliament dated, May, 11, 2017

Dear Mr. Discher, The Ministry of Economy, Labour and Health was asked for its position during the investigation of the facts of the case and the relevant legal bases. This statement was received by the Secretariat by letter dated 02/05/2017. It will serve as a basis for the forming of positions in the Committee. Therefore, […]

Details on Massive Human Rights Violations and Crimes in Germany


Words such as forced psychiatric treatment and torture recall a dark chapter in Germany’s history as well as similar incidents occurring in authoritarian systems. The thought that psychiatric forced treatment and acts of torture have also occurred in a re-united Germany from 1990 onwards—in fact, are still happening today—may at first seem far-fetched or even […]

Statement by the Mecklenburg-Pomerania State parliament dated, July, 5, 2017

Dear Mr. Discher, The Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Health has been asked to provide additional comments in response to your letter above. Along with the letter from 6/26/2017 the following has now been stated: With regard to appointing doctors to management positions, it should be noted that this is first and foremost a […]

Minister Harry Glawe, why should the human rights violations remain unexplained?

“A story as unbelievable as it is moving,” is what was said of the coverage over the fate of those remaining, the numerous victims of a “horrible and arbitrary system of rule.” I wrote the following letter to the petitions committee of the regional parliament of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in response to the recommendation made by […]

Letter of rejection, Chairman of the Committee on Petitions, Manfred Dachner, June, 2018

Dear Mr. Discher, Your petition from 03/22/2017 has now finally been addressed. With your petition, you alleged human rights violations in specified psychiatric institutions as well as in the forensic psychiatric hospitals. In this matter, you made several demands which were to lead to clarifying and improving the current situation. After receiving a recommended resolution […]

Harry Glawe and his nearly twenty-year profession as a nurse in the GDR

Today’s Minister of Economics, Labor and Health, Harry Glawe, rejects parliamentary work with human rights violations in Neubrandenburg psychiatric hospital and “The Hell of Ueckermünde.” In the former GDR, Glawe worked for many years as a ward nurse at the Ernst Moritz Arndt University Greifswald Clinic for Neurology and Psychiatry, which is not far from […]